Sep 17, 2008

MC2 Model Management

So I'm learning a lot here at the agency... one mistake at a time.
I have to say that it can be really stressful but i guess its because i'm new and i really don't know how to handle the many different situations that go on here yet. Mainly I have been taking Polaroids and videos of the models and setting up test shoots. I send models on Casting calls. Sometimes it feels like whatever I do is wrong but at the end of the day I always get a thank you for coming in and helping us out, which is pretty cool. The office here in Miami is so cool. Im right beside lincoln road mall and I love being so close to all the shops and restaurants.

Everyday i meet someone new whether it be a photographer, a model, or a booker. Its really cool. I love being here and being able to help Allison get jobs. I send her book out to everyone that i can .
My side of the Desk and Allison

The only down side is the fact that I really want to model too and they just don't see it in me... and I know of all the castings and I can't even go to them.

Basically how they teach me is by throwing me into the deep in...


Andrew said...

Wow, look at those comp cards lining the wall! So cool :-) You should have one too...

Anonymous said...

the cursed chair... :-)

sounds like you're a booker now, you do everything, right on :P

CarrieYvonne said...

that's gotta be hard, but if someone wants you and it will really put you out there, i'd take it, and screw that job. i mean...idk. it would be a really tough decision, cause that job is helping you learn the business really well. i love you girl, and want to see your face everywhere. the world needs kristin ondocsin. :)